BORN Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
2014-21 PhD, RMIT School of Media & Communication, Screen Cultures (current).
2012 Certified Casper Administrator JAMF Mac OS.
2005 Cert IV Small Business, Kangan Batman Tafe.
2000-3 Masters Fine Art by research, RMIT Melbourne.
1994-9 BA Fine Art, School of Art, Painting, RMIT, Melbourne (Hons).
1991-3 BA Arts, The University of Melbourne.
2014 RMIT Post Graduate Award (PhD).
2002 Siemens RMIT Fine Art Award (post graduate).
2001 Australian Post Graduate Award, (MA) RMIT.
2005-6 Co-founder Wolf Art Services, Melbourne.
2003-5 Co-founder/commitee member KINGS Artist Run Inititiative inc, Melbourne.
2001-4 Co-founder/Treasurer, Inner Melbourne Studio One inc. Video production house, Melbourne.
2000-3 Co- Founder, lecturer, Inner Melbourne Studio One inc. WFTD scheme in digital video.
1994-7 Co-founder, film programmer, manager, Moonlight Cinema Adelaide.
1996 Student Representative RMIT Fine Art department.
2024 Chantelle MARS Gallery, Melbourne.
2023 Babble On MARS Gallery, Melbourne.
2019 You say Phonetic, I say Fanatic, with Kieran Boland as KBT Kuandu Museum of Fine Art (KdMoFa) Taipei and MARS Gallery Melbourne.
2016 Double Blind, First Site Gallery, RMIT, Melbourne. Collaboration with Kieran Boland.
2015 Total Field, Australian Experimental Art Foundation (AEAF), Adelaide, curated by Steve Eland.
2013 Ganzfeld I, MARS Gallery, Port Melbourne.
2010 Uccello, Gallery 3, Westspace, Melbourne.
Ascent, Michael Koro Gallery, Melbourne Propaganda Windows.
2009 Lal Lal, Video Lounge, ACP, Sydney.
2008 Prosthetic Animals, Cube 37, Frankston, Melbourne, curated by Veronica Kent
2007 All Flesh is Grass, video installation, Westspace, Melbourne.
2006 She Creeps, installation, Spacement, Melbourne.
2003 Smoke & Mirrors #2, not a peep video installation BUS Gallery, Melbourne
Smoke & Mirrors #1, video installation, RMIT Faculty Gallery.
2002 Screen Double, installation, Kings ARI, Melbourne.
2024 Data Minds The Lock Up, curated by Wednesday Sutherland Newcastle
2023. Das Kapital, The Bank, NOTFAIR Cecil Place Art Precinct curated by Kieran Boland
Amanda Morgan & Brie Trenerry.
2022 MARS Xmas exhibition Mars Gallery Melbourne, curated by Andy Dinan.
Collaborator with Min Wong for Lone Wolf in Soul Seeker, Cement Fondu, Sydney NSW.
2021 MARS Xmas exhibition Mars Gallery Melbourne, curated by Andy Dinan.
You say Phonetic, I say Fanatic, with Kieran Boland as KBT Kuandu Museum of Fine Art (KdMoFa) Taipei (screening).
2020 Moving Pictures, La Trobe Regional Gallery, curated by David O'Halloran.
Rest MADA Online exhibition curated by Fletcher Aldous.
2018 No Safe Place To Rest Your Eyes, C3 Gallery, Melbourne, curated by Katie Paine.
Spring 1883 represented byMARS gallery, The Windsor Hotel, Melbourne.
2017 Very Unco, The Torrance Museum, Torrance, Los Angeles. Curated by Ian Haig.
Elapse, Hobiennale with Kings ARI, Hobart, Tasmania, curated by Will Heathcote.
First Site 21st Birthday, RMIT, curated by Simon Pericich.
Something’s trying to tell us some things, Five Walls Projects, Melbourne, curated by Kieran Boland.
Art+Film: Beautiful and Deathly Nature: New World Gothic, MCA, Sydney, NSW.
Sublime, Internal, Subliminal, emerging and established Australian Video Art, Limasol, Cyprus,
curated by Shaun Wilson.
2016 You've Got Cucumbers on Your Eyes, Gertrude Street Projection Festival curated by Anabelle Lacroix
Drawing to an End, MARS gallery, curated by Andy Dinan.
Melbourne Central Video Art Loop, MARS Gallery, curated by Amanda Camp.
2015 700's Art Festival, RMIT library, curated by Sue Wyers.
2014 One Hour Glass, Five Walls, curated by Kieran Boland, Melbourne.
Nervous Tensions, Careof, Milan, curated by Anabelle Lacroix.
Make Believe Its Nothing, MARS Gallery, Melbourne, curated by Kieran Boland & Brie Trenerry.
Chin Chin Art Wall, Brie Trenerry.
2013 Epilogue, Longplay, Melbourne, curated by The Public Studio.
Epilogue, Malthouse Theatre, Melbourne, curated by The Public Studio.
Video Arte Australia y Nueva Zelanda, Matucana 100, Santiago, Chile, curated by Mark Feary.
Sydney Contemporary Video, Artspace, curated by Mark Feary and Barry Keldoulis.
Westspace fundraiser, Westspace, Melbourne.
Artbox, 120 Seconds, Federation Square main screen, curated by Alex Gibson.
I'll pop your eyes like busted eggs, video collaboration with Kieran Boland curated by Malcolm
Lloyd, supported by David O'Halloran.
The World Below, White Night Melbourne, The Hi Fi Bar, curated by Ashley Crawford.
2012 Where the Birds Always Sing, Ausin Tung Gallery, Australia China Art Foundation,
curated by Theodore Whong.
Westspace Fundraiser, Westspace, Melbourne.
2010 Zero Dollar, Westwing Gallery, Melbourne. Curated by Liang Luscombe.
Westspace A4 Fundraiser, Westspace, Melbourne.
Lighthouse Foundation Annual Auction, The Seeding, ACCA, Melbourne.
NOTFAIR curated by Tony Lloyd, Ashley Crawford and Sam Leach, Melbourne.
A Tradigital Survey, VUT Art Gallery, curated by Kirsten Rann and Gina Kalabishis.
Adaptation, Guilford Lane Gallery, curated by Mark McDean.
Imaging the Apple, AC Institute, curated by John Neeson, Chelsea, New York. .
1st of 2, Rearview, Melbourne, curated by Paul Wotherspoon.
Uccello, in The Office of Utopic Procedures, The Aesthetics of Joy- The Infinite International
of Poetics, installation, Westspace, curated by Bernhard Sachs, Melbourne.
2009 Westspace A4 Fundraiser, Westspace, Melbourne.
Avoca Eco-Living Festival at Watford House, Avoca, curated by Lyndal Jones.
Strangeland, Horsham Regional Gallery, Horsham, Victoria with Jo Scicluna, Janina Green &
Sanja Pahoki.
2008 The Resurrectionists, Block Projects, Melbourne, curated by Sam Leach and Ashley Crawford.
Neo goth: Back in Black, University of Queensland Art Museum, curated by Alison Kubler.
Australian video art, screening, ICA, London, curated by Lorraine Buchmann.
Prosthetic Animals, Cube 37, Frankston, curated by Veronica Kent.
'Australian Gothic: video art now, PICA, Perth, Screen Gallery, curated by Shaun Wilson.
'PIXEL International' at the Academy Gallery, University of Tasmania, Launceston, curated by
Damien Quilliam.
Can't Take My Eyes Off You, Rooftop Cinema curated by Helen Frajman., Melbourne.
What is?, Exhibition at Berlin Directors Lounge, Germany curated by Kim Donaldson.
What is?, Rotterdam, curated by Kim Donaldson.
After Cinema, Directors Lounge, Berlin curated by Dr Shaun Wilson.
2007 Westspace A4 Fundraiser, Westspace, Melbourne.
Strangeland, Kings ARI, Melbourne, with Jo Scicluna, Janina Green & Sanja Pahoki.
The CULTure of Nature, Ord Minnett gallery, Melbourne curated by Kirsten Rann.
Australian Gothic , Directors Lounge, Berlin, curated by Dr Shaun Wilson.
Australian Gothic, RMIT Project Space, Melbourne; curated by Dr Shaun Wilson.
The Last Thing I Remember, curated by Kyla MacFarlane , Sydney University Gallery, NSW.
2006 The International Festival of Video Art, Valencia, representing Kings ARI, Valencia, Spain curated
by Brendan Lee.
The Office of Dystopic Procedures, Endgame: Late Capitalist Realism, curated by Bernard
Sachs. Margaret Lawrence Gallery, VCA, Melbourne.
The Last Thing I Remember, with Jane Burton & Lily Hibberd, Switchback Gallery,
MUMA Gippsland, curated by Kyla MacFarlane,.
2005 Half Life, Kings ARI curated exhibition multi media installation, Kings ARI Melbourne.
Half Life, Kings ARI curated exhibition, single channel video, In Flight ARI, Hobart,
2004 Specimen, contemporary botanical art, curated by Tim Stone, Next Wave Festival, Domain
House, Melbourne.
Photography , Kings curated exhibition, Kings ARI, Melbourne.
2003 OutakeOut (Projekt video catalogue) curated by Brendan Lee, Kings ARI, Melbourne.
Entertainment, video compilation curated by Brendan Lee, Phatspace, Sydney.
Royal Rumble, Kings ARI inaugural show, Melbourne.
2001 Siemens Fine Art Award Storey Hall RMIT,& Telstra headquarters Melbourne.
1998 The Faux Shaux, Howey Place, Melbourne, curated by Phoebe Dougall.
Little Black Number, 1st Floor Gallery, Melbourne, curated by Phoebe Dougall.
1997 Five Easy Pieces, First Site Gallery, RMIT, Melbourne.
Padded Room, The Edge, First Site Gallery Melbourne, curated by Tony Lloyd.
1996 Times Five, George Paton Gallery, Next Wave Festival, Melbourne.
2023. Chloe Wolifson, Brie Trenerry : A Dark Turn Art Collector
Das Kapital catalogue
Ashley Crawford, Digital Rain & Arrogant Interfaces catalogue essay for Babble On, MARS Gallery.
2021 Fletcher Aldous, Rest, MADA online exhibition catalogue
2014 Penny Webb, Tapping the heart of glass, The Age, Friday June 20, 2014.
Dylan Rainforth, Artistry in Horror, The Age, December 18th, 2013.
2010 Jane Button, A Tradigital Survey, Artlink, Vol 30 no 3.
Ashley Crawford, NOTFAIR catalogue.
The Melbourne Art Review, Seven Thousand Oaks Adaptation, http://www.melbourneartreview.
The Age Arts Visual Art Tuesday june 29 2010 p.4
Jane O'Sullivan, The Artists Fair Australian Art Collector April 2010 p.93
Kirsten Rann, A Tradigital Survey catalogue essay for the exhibition at Level 17 Artspace VUT p.8.
Mark McDean, Adaptation catalogue essay for Seven Oaks festival exhibition at Guilford Lane Gallery.
John Neeson, Imaging the Apple, catalogue essay for the AC Institute, Chelsea, New York.
Meredith Turnbull,
2009 Featured artist, December, interview with Tony Lloyd.
Ashley Crawford, The Resurrectionists, Artsit Profile.
Stephen Zagala, Restless Landscape, catalogue essay, Strangeland,Horsham Regional Gallery.
2008 Ashley Crawford, Gothic Candour: 'I am the coffin that will not be silent' Art Monthly Australia
#216 December 2008-09, p.45-49.
Sam Leach & Ashley Crawford The Resurrectionists, catalogue essay.
Ashley Crawford Apocalypse Noir, Photofile #84 artist portfolio: Brie Trenerry, Summer 2008, p.56-59.
Contributors-Alison Kubler, Ashley Crawford, Louise Martin-Chew, Lisa Slade, Neo Goth Back
in Black catalogue, University of Queensland Art Museum, Sept 2008
Pip Christmass, The Black Arts, The West Australian, review of Australian Gothic: Video Art Now
& Neo Goth: Back in Black July 16, 2008.
Damian Quilliam Pixel International catalogue essay.
Ted Colless, Meredith Turnbull, Prosthetic Animals catalogue essay.
2007 Ashley Crawford, Psychogothical, Art Monthly October p24-26.
Sophie Knezic, Making Space: Artist Run Initiatives in Victoria p 91. 2007.
Australian Art Collector, 100 most collectable artists 2007.
Megan Backhouse, Brie Trenerry and Anna Marie O'Keefe review in Art Around the Galleries,
The Age, A2, Saturday September 29, p.20.
Tracey Clement, Punning with Knives, review for The Last Thing I Remember, The Sydney
Morning Herald, March 30.
Doug Church, Australian Gothic, Video Art Now, catalogue essay, RMIT Project Space.
2006 The Office of Dystopic Procedures, Endgame: Late Capitalist Realism, catalogue of
artist submissions, VCA Gallery.
Kyla MacFarlane, The Last Thing I Remember, catalogue essay, Switchback Gallery,
MUMA, Gippsland.
Australian Art Collector, 100 most collectable artists 2006.
Ashley Crawford
Ashley Crawford /04/1157222052874.html
Ashley Crawford, Australian Art Collector, Smart Art, Brie Trenerry Issue 37 July-Oct 2006 p.174.
Ashley Crawford, John Abbate & Brie Trenerry, review. Trenerry_crawford.
2005 Mark Pennings, Half Life, catalogue essay, Kings curated exhibition, Kings, Melbourne.
2003 Screentalk Public Hangings, Smoke & Mirrors #2, artist profile, 5 min segment
Channel 31, produced/curated by Brendan Lee.
RMIT Fine Art Postgraduate Catalogue.
1995 Simon Maidment, Brie Trenerry, artist profile, Catalyst, RMIT publication.
2023 Co-Curator with Kieran Boland & Amanda Morgan DAS KAPITAL, The Bank, Windsor, Melbourne. 2022-3 Curator, Speculative Horizons [video] Kuwait CAP initiated by Dr Kristian Haagblom & Dr Saad Alsharrah.
2021 Curator, R3Vision Melbourne Fashion Festival Independent Arts Program @ MARS gallery X NOTFAIR Windsor. Co-curated with Hiball.
2014-24 Curator, MARS video space, Windsor, Melbourne (ongoing).
Make Believe Its Nothing, MARS Gallery, Port Melbourne, curated by Kieran Boland &
Brie Trenerry.
2005 END, Half Life, No Return, Risk Kings ARI – 4 Kings committee curated exhibitions funded by
the Australia Council Arts Craft Board.
Chairperson, post production software seminar, RMIT inaugural Digital Cinema Symposium.
2024 The Lock Up, Newcastle Residency/Commission for Data Minds
2023 Stonnington Arts & Cultural Grant (Up to 20,000) for Das Kapital
2019 TNUA Taipei Residency, with Kuandu Museum of Fine Art (KdMoFA)/RMIT University.
2018 Australian Archaelogical Institute at Athens AAIA, CCR.
2008-9 The Bunker, Meat Markets, Melbourne City Council grant, North Melbourne.
2024 Speaker, PHOTO 2024 panel End of the Lens? PSC, Melbourne.
2023 Speaker, Babble On MARS Gallery, Melbourne igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
2023 Speaker, Collecting Video Art MARS Gallery Melbourne.
2022 Solid Flux catalogue essay for SPECULATIVE HORIZONS, Kuwait.
2021. Chair, Collaboration and Authenticity Photo 2021 PSC Melbourne.
2020. In Conversation with Min Wong for Inner Workout at Artspace Sydney.
Introductory essay for Gary Willis,The Painters Tongue: The Life of an Artist, The Eighties, 1982.
2017 Speaker, Art+Film: Beautiful and Deathly Nature: New World Gothic, MCA, Sydney, NSW.
2016 Chair/speaker Linden, Video Bootcamp with Gabriella Mangano, Geordie Miller, Kieran Boland &
Diego Ramirez.
2014 Speaker, VCA Margaret Lawrence Gallery Art Forum series #19, Brie Trenerry.
2013 ARI’s Past, Present and Future In Conversation with Brie Trenerry & Brendan Lee, Kings ARI 10
year anniversary publication.
2003 Rhythm of an Absent Body, essay for Anne Wilson, MASS archive, Melbourne.
Moving Wallpaper, essay for Anne Wilson, Westspace archive Melbourne.
2001 Through Womens Eyes, catalogue essay, Cristina Asquith Baker pg. 5
Glen Eira Galleries, Melbourne, exhibition curated by Amanda Snell.
2021-24 VCA, Lecturer Graphic Design (GDES).
RMIT School of Fashion & Textiles Guest lecturer.
2017 RMIT, Lecturer Media & Communication, Video Specialisation.
2014-23 Photography Studies College (PSC), lecturer, Moving image, new media.
Creative Industries specialisation & MA co-supervisor.
2013-17 RMIT School of Fashion & Textiles, lecturer, Screening Fashion.
The University of Melbourne, ITS, IT Support Officer.
2012 Qatsi Video Workshop artistic advisor, Arts Centre Melbourne.
RMIT, Lecturer, Life Drawing, Brunswick after hours program.
RMIT, Lecturer, Folio preparation, Brunswick after hours program.
2005-10 Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) Final Cut Pro teacher/technician, School of Art, Photography.
Video consultant, ACCA, Melbourne.
VCA, Lecturer, Film & TV, Foundation Course.
VCA, Lecturer, Teenflix, Film & TV.
VCA, Lecturer, Digital Storytelling for the CFI/CCD.
VCA, Business Operations, IT Support Officer.
RMIT, Lecturer, School of Creative Media. Video production.
2005-6 VUT Visual Arts Department, Lecturer, Video Production.
VCA Hub Lab Supervisor.
2024 Melbourne Place Hotel, editor.
2023. Video Editor/finishing, Das Kapital.
2015 Colour Grading, sound design for Stephen Garrett Piscina at MARS Gallery Black Box.
2014 Camera, Editor, Sound Design, The Chinese Garden, Avoca, for Lyndal Jones and the
Avoca Chinese Garden Committee.
2013 Sound design, colour correction, for Kieran Boland, Death Scene Coach.
Digital transfer, colour correction, Simon Pericich, Nothing Compares 2U.
RMIT Project Space, Substation Art Prize 2013.
Video Editor for Lyndal Jones, Mix Tape, 1980’s: Appropriation, Subculture and Style,
NGV, Melbourne.
2012 Camera, sound design, colour correction, technical advisor for Stephen Garrett,
The Poverty Gully Project, Margaret Lawrence Gallery, Melbourne.
Sound design for 51 Paintings, feature length film, directed by Shaun Wilson.
First AD/tech assistant/performer/sound design for Kieran Boland,
I tell you most Solemnly, Westspace.
2005-10 Video editor, Matt Shannon for Conical.
Video editor for Ash Keating, Southern Cross, Ballarat Regional Gallery.
Video editor/finishing for Silvana & Gabriella Morgana for AGNSW.
Video editor, colour grade, audio design for Ash Keating Activate 2750 at the MCA, Sydney &
200 Gertrude St, Melbourne.
Video editor/finishing/sound,Between a Rock and a hard place, Nick Mangan, AGNSW, Sydney.
Videographer for performance by Bernard Sachs, Margaret Lawrence Gallery, VCA Melbourne.
Video editor for Lyndal Jones, Darwin with Tears, ACCA and Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne.
Video Editor, Chris Koller, Mizuno D301, CCP.
Video Editor, Jo Scicluna No Love Lost, Westspace.
Video Editor, Lou Hubbard Hack, Kings ARI & Hurtle for Doubt at Conical,
Video Editor, Jarrad Kennedy Decoder Danzas at Kings.
2005 Video editor for artist David Noonan- Films and Paintings 2001-05, exhibited
Monash University Gallery, (MUMA) Melbourne & internationally.
Pitch Your Own Tent compilation Monash University Museum of Art.
Monash University Gallery (MUMA) DVD transfer for retrospective of Jonas Mekas films.
Video Editor, Cate Consandine videos exhibited at 200 Gertrude St & Clubs inc.
2004 Videographer/Editor/Technician/Director for artist Guy Benfield-Exploring Pain-
Electric Wheelchair Boogaloo Anne Landa Award at the
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Videographer, Editor Om Supreme Bhagvan,
New 04 at ACCA, Technician for Universal Love Action 2004: Australian Culture Now at the
NGV Federation Square.
Camera assistant for Brendan Lee Shootin’ Up, Shootin From the Hip, Photographer
A Matter of time, Videographer Mythologies of film#1.
2002-3 Videographer segment & series editor for Public Hangings, broadcast Channel 31,
contemporary art series. Produced by Andrew McKenzie.
Producer/Director/Editor/Camera for Out4Fame Aus vs NZ MC Battle for Supremacy official
DVD, distributed through Shock Records.
Careof Video Archive, Milan, Italy.
Private Collections in Australia.